
We simultaneously translate the Sunday sermon into your preferred national language. You can receive the translation with your smartphone. 1. Click on the “Translation APP” link and you will be taken to “Church Translation”. 2. Log in with your Google or Apple account, 3. Select church: FCGT, 4. Select your language and 5. Switch to "Translation" in the menu 6. Connect headphones and activate microphones. As soon as something is spoken on stage, you will be able to hear and read the translation via your smartphone. 7. If something doesn't work or is unclear, contact Pastor Martin Tobler.

How to use:

Information about the new app

Our goal is to develop an app that makes our sermon accessible in all languages. The app is currently in the development process. We welcome feedback to further improve the user experience.


voice quality

You can improve the quality of your selected translation language and even partially choose the timbre and gender of the voice.

iPhone: go to...

  • Settings
  • Accessibility
  • Spoken Content
  • Voices
  • Choose Language
  • Listen to and select Voice
  • Download Best Quality
  • Selected voice will be marked with a checkmark
  • back to the app

Android: go to...

  • Settings
  • General Management
  • Text-to-Speech
    1. Preferred Engine "Google"
    1. Preferred Engine - Settings
  • Install Speech Data
  • Choose Language
  • Download Language
  • Select Desired Voice
  • back to the app

quick check-in / Icon

Create an icon on your phone for the translation webpage so you can have quick access to "Translation."

iPhone: go to ...

  • Load the page
  • Tap the "share" icon
  • select "Add to Home Screen"
  • then tap "Add"
  • Now you'll find the icon on your iPhone

Android: go to ...

  • Load the page
  • tap the three dots
  • select "Add Page"
  • choose "Home screen"
  • Now you'll find the icon on your smartphone


We are in the process of building this app and would greatly appreciate feedback to improve its quality and address any shortcomings. Please message via WhatsApp at 079 257 21 00 - Pastor Martin Tobler.